In some cases, dementia prevention is possible. However, when these changes are possible the individual will need to alter their lifestyle. If you are helping out your elderly loved one, there are some things you can do to get them set up for these changes. Before learning about the options, remember that the more healthy lifestyle changes your elderly loved one can make from this list, the lower their risk of getting dementia will be. If needed, you can even hire senior home care providers to help your elderly loved one make these changes.
Creating Sleep Routines

It is very important that senior citizens stick to a sleep routine. Unfortunately, there are many elderly people who aren’t getting the sleep they need. Sometimes, they don’t go to bed earlier enough. Other times, they may go to bed at different times from night to night or wake up often throughout the night. If your elderly loved one isn’t getting good enough sleep, you or a senior home care provider should help them to create positive sleep routines. These can consist of no caffeine in the hours before bed, no electronics in the bedroom, and going to bed or waking up at the same time every day.
Adding in Brain Food
If your elderly loved one is worried about getting dementia, one of the primary decisions they should make is adding brain food into their diet. Studies show there are many different foods that improve the health of the brain. These foods have also been shown to lower the risk of conditions such as dementia. If your elderly loved one can start eating more strawberries, blueberries, bananas, kale, spinach, and salmon, it can greatly reduce their risk of getting dementia. If you don’t believe your elderly loved one will get these foods from the grocery store, maybe you or a companion care at home provider can pick them up instead.
Going for Walks or Doing Basic Exercises
Another way that your elderly loved one can lower their risk of getting dementia is by moving around often. It doesn’t have to be intense exercise either. In fact, studies show that just going for walks every day can significantly reduce the risk of dementia and other neurodegenerative conditions. If your elderly loved one gets bored going for walks on their own, maybe you could go with them. If you already have a lot on your plate, you may want to consider hiring senior home care providers who can provide your elderly loved one with personal care at home.
Are you or your elderly loved one wondering how to lower their risk of getting dementia? If so, there are numerous ways to accomplish this. The list above is a good start in helping your elderly loved one to make positive, healthy lifestyle changes, so they can reduce their risk of dementia starting today. You could also have your elderly loved one see their doctor for a health assessment to determine their current risk of dementia.
If you or an aging loved one is considering Senior Home Care in Hillsborough, FL , please contact the caring staff at R.B. Home Health Services, Inc today. 305-220-6309