As a family caregiver, you may be aware that there are many different health conditions which are common in senior citizens. One of these health conditions is known as atrial fibrillation. The more you can learn about this condition, the more you can help your elderly loved one to lower their risk of getting it. The different lifestyle changes noted here today can be a great start for your elderly loved one to reduce their risk of AFib and to improve their overall heart and general health, as well.
Eating Healthier
Did you know that eating healthier can have a profound positive impact on heart health? There have been many studies done to show that eating healthy on a regular basis can have the following heart health impacts:

- Lower blood pressure
- Reduce the risk of a stroke
- Reduce the risk of blood clots
- Improve heartbeat
- Slow down a racing heart
- Reduce the risk of heart disease
If your elderly loved one isn’t already doing so, it would be a good idea for you and senior home care providers to help them start eating healthier. It can start with something small such as eating oatmeal instead of Fruit Loops for breakfast or drinking tea instead of a can of pop.
Quit Smoking
Is your elderly loved one a smoker? If so, this is increasing their risk of AFib. It is crucial that you support your elderly loved one in quitting smoking. If they are ready to do this, there are many treatments that can help them. Some of the options that could work for your elderly loved one include:
- Quitting cold turkey
- Getting and using the nicotine patches
- Using nicotine gum
- Playing with fidgets and stress balls
- Sucking on sugar-free candy
If your elderly loved one uses these tips and maybe even finds support from someone else who is or has quit smoking, they can have a better chance at reducing their risk of atrial fibrillation.
Exercise Regularly
Another option to help your elderly loved one lower their risk of AFib is to exercise regularly. There are so many different ways that your elderly loved one can incorporate exercise into their daily routine such as:
- Dancing while vacuuming
- Stretching while putting away laundry
- Doing a YouTube workout while waiting for dinner to be done
- Going for a walk in the morning or evening
Exercising while waiting for their senior home care providers to get back from the store
If your elderly loved one isn’t already exercising regularly, encourage them to start. By doing so, they can lower the risk of AFib and improve their overall heart health, too.
You now have quite a few tips to share with your elderly loved one on how they can lower their risk of atrial fibrillation. Encourage them to start using these tips right away. The sooner they do, the better it will be for their heart and overall health.
If you or an aging loved one is considering Senior Home Care in Temple Terrace, FL , please contact the caring staff at R.B. Home Health Services, Inc today. 305-220-6309